Healthy Aging

Wellness Trends 2023


It’s always fun to read the forecasts of wellness trends for the coming year. A few usually are a bit out there, while others sound fun or interesting. As we head into the new year, will you stick with your usual routine or mix things up and try something new? If you’re in the latter camp, here are a few ideas to consider.

Virtual Reality Workouts

Virtual reality has come a long way with more streamlined and lighter-weight gear. There’s a wide variety of workouts available, from cardio to strength training. If you’re working out solo, VR could be a great option to keep your workouts fun and engaging.

Wearable Technology

The pandemic gave a boost to wearable technology as people sought to improve their health and use wearables to track everything from steps to sleep to heart rate. New features like fall detection and ECG recording have made wearables popular among older people too. There’s a wide variety to choose from, including Apple Watch for techies, Fitbit Sense 2 for the fitness buff, Oura Ring for the sleep-focused, and the Whoop Strap for athletes.

Early Dinner

The early bird special is historically associated with blue-haired senior citizens, but more and more people are eating dinner earlier, according to data from the hospitality industry. Eating earlier has a host of benefits, including better digestion, improved sleep, and better readiness and recovery.

Low-Intensity Workouts

Another pandemic benefit is that more people got out and simply moved more, primarily by walking. Fitness experts predict that low-intensity workouts like walking, pilates, and yoga will continue into 2023, along with exercise snacking and paying attention to those reminders to move a little bit every hour.

Simple, Cheap Beauty

The pandemic did women a solid and gave us the freedom to simplify our beauty routine – hello, gray hair, goodby, makeup. It also got us used to at-home facials, pedicures, and hair dyes. With more and better products available for at-home beauty rituals and the guidance of experts on social media, quality DIY beauty is getting easier and more accessible.

Digital Detox

Whether it’s due to mental health, quality of life, or privacy concerns, many people are disconnecting from their phones and social media more regularly. Enabling do not disturb, turning off notifications, no-phone dinners, and even deleting social media accounts are expected to trend up in 2023.

Mindful Movement

Mindfully sitting still is passé. Now, you can combine mindfulness with movement and enjoy the mindfulness benefits while hiking, snowshoe forest bathing, practicing yoga outdoors, and more. Many resorts and tour companies are building experiences designed to combine an activity with the benefits of mindfulness set against the backdrop of a gorgeous location.


The vocabulary and attitudes toward aging are shifting as baby boomers and Gen Xers seek to redefine what it means to age. Anti-aging is out, and pro-aging and longevity are in. Expect to see new products and services designed around this movement and a shift in the way we talk about aging.

Sleep 2.0

As the awareness of the importance of getting a quality night’s sleep increases, wearables, apps, programs, and products designed to improve sleep will become more sophisticated and personalized.


Plant-based diets and the importance of eating more plant foods have had the nutrition spotlight for a few years now. Protein is ready for its close-up as we gain a greater appreciation of the importance of getting enough protein, particularly as we age.

Menopause In the Workplace

Last but most important, our own prediction is that menopause will move into the workplace – and midlife women’s health will become a top priority. You can download our whitepaper to learn more about the many benefits of supporting menopause in the workplace. We hope you will team up with Midday in 2023, in making this prediction come true. Add your voice and take action by joining the Midday community and sharing us with your employer!

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