
9 Myths and Truths About Menopause


Whether you’re just noticing the early signs of perimenopause or dealing with postmenopausal symptoms, you probably have some questions about what’s going on.

It’s common to turn to Dr. Google, a Facebook group, or friends and family members. However, myths and misinformation about women’s health are common.

We know it can be hard to know what information to trust. We’ll start by debunking 9 common myths about menopause.

Myth 1: Menopause causes weight gain

Truth: While menopause increases distribution of fat around your abdomen, it’s actually aging and lower activity levels that cause weight gain. Without a well-rounded exercise program including strength training, you’ll lose muscle mass that will cause your metabolism to slow down.

Myth 2: You have no control over menopause symptoms

Truth: From lifestyle changes to medications, you have a myriad of options to take charge of your menopause symptoms. Midday provides a wealth of information about your choices, health coaching to help you make an informed decision and stick with your plan, as well as the ability to request a virtual appointment with a Mayo Clinic menopause expert.

Myth 3: Menopause is the beginning of the end

Truth: Menopause and midlife can be the best chapter of your life. It’s all about perspective, giving yourself grace, and caring for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Want a positive example? Read our founder’s story.

Myth 4: The only menopause symptoms are hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, and low libido

Truth: There are actually at least 34 symptoms of menopause, and each woman has a unique symptom experience. Your menopausal experiences will not necessarily be the same as anyone else’s.

Myth 5: Menopause marks the end of a woman’s sex life

Truth: This is far from the truth for most women! While your libido may change, there’s no reason that you can’t have a rewarding sex life well beyond menopause. Don’t miss the sexual wellness section of the Programs page for guided explorations of midlife sexuality, partnership and navigating pain with sex. You can also dive in with the Master Class featuring sexual wellness expert Dr. Barb Depree.

Myth 6: There is nothing you can do about mood swings during menopause

Truth: Various techniques, including immersive meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, and nutrition, can help you deal with mood swings effectively and improve your quality of life. Try our immersive meditation programs and read our articles on mental health and nutrition during menopause.

Myth 7: Menopause brain fog is a sign of dementia

Truth: Brain fog is more likely a temporary effect of poor sleep and stress. You can cope with these symptoms and improve your mental clarity through stress management strategies, exercise, nutrition and addressing sleep challenges.

Myth 8: Bone loss during menopause can’t be reversed

Truth: While bone density does decline significantly around menopause, lifestyle change and medication can stop bone loss and even build back small amounts of bone. To learn about your options, don’t miss Midday’s bone health program on the Programs page.

Myth 9: Compounded bioidentical hormones are safer than hormone therapy

Truth: Only FDA-approved hormone therapy, which excludes compounded bioidentical hormones, has rigorous proof of its safety and efficacy.

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