Mind and Body

A Fiftypreneur On Being Her Best Self

You don’t have to be a fiftypreneur to make midlife your best chapter ever. Share your midlife thrive story with us by emailing annemarie@midday.health

Forget “30, flirty and thriving.” Over 50 is the new under 30.

We chatted with Sonsoles Gonzalez, founder and CEO of Better Not Younger, the first and only hair care brand developed specifically for women 40+ to bring resilience back to aging hair.

Sonsoles is on a mission to change the conversation around women and aging, which makes her a terrific person to talk about rocking midlife and being your best self. After all, one doesn’t become a flourishing fiftypreneur without having a few success secrets up your sleeve.

Tip 1: Make Your Mornings Mindful

When your mornings run on autopilot, you’re not living in the moment. Slow down and start each day with mindfulness. Especially as you enter perimenopause and menopause, adding this to exercise, quality sleep, and a healthy diet will set you up for success.

Sonsoles Shares: “For almost 30 years, I woke up with an alarm, showered, applied my makeup, dressed, and ran out of the house (always in high heels) like it was on fire—literally! No breakfast, sometimes not even coffee. Today, I wake without an alarm, slip into yoga pants, calmly drink my coffee, plan my day, and head to Pilates. This helps me begin my workday super energized and focused.”

Tip 2: Say So Long to Self-Doubt

It’s time to start questioning your inner critic. When you do, you’ll see that you are enough. In fact, you’re better than that—you’re fabulous!

Sonsoles Shares: “Years ago, a mentor challenged me to build up my confidence. It didn’t really resonate with me at the time, but I get it now. Today I have a confidence level in myself that I lacked in my 30s, and I no longer try to be someone else. I know my strengths, and I play to them. I also know my worth—and I’m proud of it!”

Tip 3: Embrace Your True You

You might have spent your youth wrestling with how you look or who you wished you could be. Even as an adult, you might benefit from a gentle reminder that your uniqueness and authenticity make you special. Celebrate it—because you’re actually pretty wonderful just as you are!

Sonsoles Shares: “I’ve stopped fighting the extra pounds that came with menopause. I still take care of myself and watch what I eat, but I’ve learned to let go—even though that meant moving up a size. Now I enjoy every meal, eat everything I want, and simply focus on portion control.”

Tip 4: Fuel Your Body for Success

You are what you eat. Whether you meal prep or grab on the go, healthy eating habits are important for both mind and body wellness—not to mention your hair and scalp health, too.

Sonsoles Shares: “Growing up with Spanish parents, I followed the Mediterranean diet—lots of fish, fruits, and vegetables (and wine, too). This is still how I eat today, and it’s great for my hair and skin because these foods are rich in vitamins A and D, Omega 3, zinc, and iron. I also take my Power Within Skin & Scalp Collagen Gummies for a daily boost of biotin, vitamins, and collagen because I know that even when I eat well, with age my body doesn’t absorb nutrients as it once did.”

Tip 5: Develop Self-Discipline

A hallmark of athletes and successful leaders alike, self-discipline builds strength, character, and consistency, exactly what we need to thrive. Plus, when you challenge yourself outside of your comfort zone, new beauty can rush in. Start small, like adopting a hair-care regimen designed to prevent thinning hair or hair loss. As your discipline strengthens, apply it to other facets of your life.

Sonsoles Shares: “It took me a while to be disciplined about using the Superpower Fortifying Hair and Scalp Serum I created. Even as I began to see how age and menopause were affecting my hair—like a thinner ponytail—it was challenging at first to stick to a daily hair-care regimen. Now I keep the Superpower Liquid Comb (which helps dispense the serum and massage it into the scalp) on my desk, and I remember to apply it every day.”

Tip 6: Be Better, Not Younger

The happiest people are those who are following their dreams. The truth is that life will always get in the way if you let it. So whether you’re in your 50s, 60s or beyond, carve out an hour a day (or even a few minutes a week) to pursue a passion. It will enrich your life, lift your spirits, and lower stress.

Sonsoles Shares: “A few years ago, I never imagined I’d start this second life chapter in my 50s. Every day I face new challenges and do things I have never done before. My role as founder and CEO is what makes me Better Not Younger.”

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