Towards Healthy Aging

Ageless Living in the Menopause Life Stage


I am one of those people who has never given a lot of thought to age. For me, it truly is just a number. The age in my head is always different from my official age, and I live my life according to what I call my “alter age” or alternative age. I am 56 now, but in my 30s and 40s my alter age was always 27.

At some point in my 50’s, my alter age shifted a bit and now it’s 35. I don’t know how old I look, but I highly doubt it is 35. I couldn’t care less though. What matters to me more is how I feel physically and mentally and that I have the feeling that anything is possible. I don’t want the artificial barriers of age to stop me from doing anything.

Just the other day, I was thinking about women 40+ who are not letting age stop them from pursuing their passions and pushing the boundaries physically, mentally, and otherwise. I love hearing the stories and get endless inspiration from them. It puts wind in my sails, so to speak.

Recently, I was listening to the Splendid Table podcast, which is a favorite, and the guest was Claudia Roden, the celebrated food writer now 85. She related the story of how, when she was in her 40’s, her kids were grown up and left home and she did too. She unleashed her passion and pent-up desire to travel the world on her own, rare for women at that time, and collect recipes and stories, eventually shaping them into a book that is regarded as the bible of Middle Eastern cuisine.

Today at 85, still sharp as a tack and full of energy, she published her latest book and has written over 20 in total since her 40s. Her story called to mind Martha Stewart, who recently turned 80, and shows no signs of slowing down. Julia Child started her food career in her 50s and kept going into her 90s. I am full of admiration and awe of these women and others like them.

A few years ago, my friend Trish Kendall confided in me that she was contemplating a radical career change, one that she had been dreaming of for many years. While working as a senior business development executive and flying around the country every week, she was scribbling notes on airplane napkins, in her notebook, and on her phone about her dream of becoming an inspirational speaker and how to make it a reality.

Trish’s childhood was tortured by relentless sexual abuse, neglect, and ultimately, a drug addiction that nearly took her life. Those that knew her early in life would never have predicted that she would live past 20. Fast forward 25 years later to a highly successful career, wife, mother of two. Trish could have maintained her career status quo, but in the middle of the pandemic, she decided it was time to leave the safety of her job and make her dream happen. Trish believes that if her life could be turned around so dramatically, she could inspire others to do the same.

Trish is another example of a woman who defied the expectations of her chronological age, which is to stay in a safe job, raise her kids, and then retire. She jumped into the deep end of the pool in a big way. Sharing her deeply personal, difficult story and journey to become the incredibly successful person she is today to help others find their way to success.

The benefits of ageless living are endless. Empowerment, confidence, happiness, joy, excitement, energy, and more. Can you think of a way to defy your age by tapping into a passion, charting a new, unexpected career direction, pushing your fitness to a new level? Let’s do it together!

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