Midlife Perspectives

Barbara, 57. No major upheaval for me.

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I noticed hot flashes first

I knew I was hot, but I thought it was the weather, or my body temperature doing something flukey. One of the ladies at church a couple of years ago said, “You’re probably going through the change of life. You’re going to have even more hot flashes—it’s no joke.”

After those couple of years, it seems like it came on suddenly. I didn’t get my period for some time. When I went for my exam, my doctor confirmed it and we took it from there.

I use cold compresses and cool clothing—nothing really major because it’s not anything that I can’t deal with. Thank God, I don’t need medical treatment.

I need to be exercising more

I really need to get into that routine because I definitely put on weight. I’m not pleased about the fact that I gained weight around the midsection. It seems like it’s taking forever to get rid of and I’ve never had such an issue before. There are so many changes, like weight gain, hair falling out, dry skin. I’m like, “Why us? Why women?”

We only get one body

I’ve always loved fruits and vegetables, so I’m just making sure I incorporate those into my diet in every meal. Staying hydrated, drinking water, supplements like ginger and turmeric. I have to pick up some magnesium.

Incorporating fruits and vegetables isn’t anything new for me, but I’m just building on it and cutting back on sugary things and food that is contributing to this weight gain and irritability. So I’m certainly being mindful of what I put in my body going forward, because we only have one body and you have to take care of it the best you can. I’m no longer a teenager where my metabolism is just burning off those calories like it used to.

Midlife hasn’t been a drastic change for me

To be honest, I don’t feel too different. Obviously, physically my body is going through a change. But overall I don’t think it’s been dramatic, or a major upheaval or change in my life.

It hasn’t been a major transitional change for me. Seriously. Other than the sweating—I just think that’s a part of moving around and doing things and the weather. No major upheaval for me.

Getting older means gaining knowledge

It’s just a part of growing up and growing into yourself—being aware of yourself and aware of what’s going on in the world. Just wanting to become more knowledgeable, because knowledge is key. If we don’t learn and grow from things, we die, you know? So you have to want to educate yourself and know as much as you can.

Share with one another

You may forget sometimes but when you start talking to someone, you’ll start sharing about something and it’s amazing—you never realize that someone else is going through something similar and there’s that connection. That’s a a good thing, that’s important.

Everyone is going through something

It feels good when you’re sharing with each other and communicating and being your true authentic selves. That’s a blessing, because everybody is going through something. It makes it worse when you have things bottled up inside you—you have to get things off your chest.

If you don’t, that’s where depression and negative thoughts come in. You see what people are doing in the world today and if they just had someone to talk to, to share with, to communicate with, to empathize with—-things would be so much better.

My bucket list

I’m not trying to go bungee jumping. It looks exciting when I’m looking at it on TV, but no I’m not trying to do that. I’m just trying to live—I’m just praying that I get to live as long as I possibly can, as healthy as I can, and live my best life in a way that’s comfortable for me. I don’t need big and over the top.

I would have like to maybe go to Italy or Greece, Africa, Egypt—one of those beautiful countries. I don’t know if that will ever come into play, but I would have liked to visit one of those countries. Nowadays I think, “Maybe I’ll just stay put and see pictures.” I’m just watching from a distance, there’s too much going on these days. So I’m just trying to live my best, happy life.

My best, happy life is spending time with friends and family. Going to plays, walking in nature, enjoying the fresh air. The simple things in life.

My goals for the next few years

I’ve never learned to swim. I see older people swimming and so part of me is thinking about taking swimming lessons. It’s a great form of exercise. Miss me with the sharks—but I just want to know how to take care of myself in the pool and do all the different kinds of water exercises you can do.

I kind of like game shows too. So I keep saying I’m going to go on the Price is Right. That’s one of my favorites—or Wheel of Fortune. When they call out names and the people are running down? I say to myself, “Why couldn’t it be you, Barb? You should really look into that.”

If I could talk to myself 10 years ago

I’d say not to overthink things too much. Be a little more daring—not afraid to step out of your shell a little more and try new things.

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