
Celebrate menopause as the start of something great!

We have an important decision on our hands.

For far too long, menopause has been discussed in hushed tones with an air of taboo and shame. As we approach midlife, our body, mind, and even our environment, send a message that it’s time to adapt once more so we can make the most of the years ahead. Menopause is the response: a natural way of making the physical changes necessary so we can continue to live a fulfilling and healthy life.

Let’s not shoot the messenger, or even begrudge the message. Instead, let’s take a look at how we make meaning of the transition that follows.

We can celebrate this new chapter of womanhood, or we can prolong the low vibes of judgment and pity. I say it’s high time we celebrate! The only permission we need is that which we grant ourselves to focus on the benefits of our experience despite the uncertainty.

Celebrating menopause isn’t about brushing unwanted symptoms under the rug or slapping a fake smile on your face during an unexpected hot flash. You have every right to feel discomfort, vulnerability, and frustration.

However, we can also choose to focus on the wonder and strength of a body that’s served us resolutely through times of sickness, health, and physical challenge. We’ve had a solid companion that’s hung with us through the roller coaster of our ages, carrying us through the ups and downs and making sure we come out on top, ready for the next venture. So let’s continue acknowledging our whole selves; that means every piece and part of the ride.

Let’s Party

We know from experience that asking for support is a great way to set ourselves up for success. Millions of women all over the world are showing midlife solidarity by way of coffee meet-ups, dinner clubs, and house parties. These communities know that the best way to feel grounded during uncertain times is to band together with women of like minds and hearts experiencing similar things.

Midlife transitions look different for every woman, though oftentimes, what awaits on the other side is revamped creativity and a new sense of purpose and focus. Throwing a party to celebrate menopause is all about creating a safe space to share feelings and speak freely. Quality time with other women works wonders in helping us to be gentle with ourselves and move forward with grace.

Get your creative juices flowing and have some fun! Here are a few tips to get you started.

  1. Select a party theme. Some women go for an all-red or all-pink theme, girly or sexy, humorous or adventurous.
  2. If “over the top” isn’t your party style, go for an elegant dinner party at home or in a restaurant.
  3. A quick search for ideas on Pinterest will set you up with a uterus-shaped piñata, cookies with the text “no more cramping my style,” and a fabulous recipe for chips with “hot flash” salsa.
  4. For music, check out Linda Marie Fisher’s album Passages about the complexity of life for women. Linda Marie’s electronic and dance track, A Material Ghost, looks at the symptoms and impact of menopause on the lives of women. Perfect for a menopause party!

Whatever your party style is, focus on fun, uplifting ways to frame menopause as a positive, empowering time in a woman’s life.

By connecting your tribe of ladies, you’ll be acting as a leader in a movement to honor women from all walks of midlife. Just imagine the love and support you’ll create, both inside and out.

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