
Creating More Me Time

Remember way back when you had plenty of time to relax and read a book, go to yoga, or simply do nothing? Somewhere along the way, work, raising kids, caring for aging parents, and keeping your house clean more managed to eat up that precious me-time.

Science shows that high stress and poor sleep impact all aspects of your health. When you aren’t able to care for yourself, you do end up paying a price. Caring for yourself boosts your mood, confidence and self-esteem, helps manage stress, allows you to show up as a better version of yourself in relationships, and can even give you a sense of meaning.

Even a few minutes a day for yourself can transform your state of mind. Self-care takes intention, but it doesn’t have to cost money. A short walk, mini-meditation, relaxing bath, writing, drawing, yoga and more can help you to find a moment of peace and calm.

Prioritize Yourself

There’s a reason that self-care falls by the wayside when life is busy and full of responsibility—it can be really hard to protect time that is just for yourself! It requires breaking old habits and creating new routines and mindset.

Try these steps to start cultivating a me-time routine:

  1. Make a wish list of self-care activities. Pick at least one each week or repeat one that you really love.
  2. Start with activities that are simple, inexpensive and only take a few minutes. A few examples include a 5-minute mini-meditation in the morning after waking up, taking a 15-minute walk at lunchtime, or winding down in the evening with a good book. Avoid social media as a me-time activity. Studies show that social media can increase anxiety and depression rather than relax you.
  3. Schedule your me-time on your calendar. You’re just as important as any other item on your to-do list.
  4. Write down your plan in a journal. Cross off your me-time activities as you do them so you can give yourself credit for your efforts.
  5. Reflect on how me-time feels, both in the moment and after a few weeks of practice. Are you feeling less stressed? More joyful?

Remember, you’re allowed to enjoy me-time without guilt. Everyone deserves to spend time each day doing something purely for themselves.

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