Weight Management

Menopause & Intermittent Fasting – Plus 5 Tips for Doing It Right

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a way of eating defined by periods of fasting (not eating), alternating with periods of normal eating.

IF has existed in various forms for a long time for medical purposes but recently gained attention as a way to lose weight, especially body fat.

Carbohydrates that you eat but your body doesn’t use get stored in fat cells. When you fast, your body uses these fat stores as energy. In this way, intermittent fasting promotes fat burning.

This is mainly due to the reduction in the calories you eat.

IF doesn’t involve calorie counting or macronutrient tracking. There are also no restrictions on foods you can or cannot eat. Because IF does not dictate what you eat, it differs from popular diets like the low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet. However, some people use keto and IF together to promote fat-burning and weight loss.

For many people, IF is seen as more of a lifestyle rather than a diet.

Although IF does appear to have benefits, especially when it comes to weight loss, it’s still a controversial topic and may not be appropriate for everyone.

IF is not recommended if you have a history of disordered eating, are underweight, or have chronic medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease. More research is needed on humans to determine the best applications for this dietary pattern.

How Can I Intermittent Fast?

There are several approaches to IF. The right one for you depends entirely on your individual needs and preferences.

Regardless of what fasting schedule you choose, it’s important to keep an emphasis on healthy, whole foods. As you can imagine, eating a large amount of processed foods won’t be very helpful in the weight loss or overall health department. The best results come from choosing the best foods, too!

Some of the most popular fasting schedules include:

  • The 5:2 Diet: For two days per week, lower your caloric intake to around 25% of your usual intake. Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, this would be around 500 calories. On the remaining five weekdays, eat normally. There should be one day scheduled between fasting days.
  • 24-Hour Protocol: This involves a 24-hour fast one or two days per week. Some people recommend starting with 14-16 hour fasts to get your body used to fasting.
  • Crescendo Method: On two or three days per week, this method involves fasting for 12-16 hours. This is best spread out during the week, like on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • Modified Alternate Day Fasting: This method allows you to eat normally every other day. On fasting days between normal eating days, you’ll eat 20-25% of your normal calorie intake.
  • The Leangains Method: All calories are eaten in an eight-hour window using this method, leaving the other 16 hours for fasting each day. You can start with shorter fasting periods, like 14 hours, to start. Many health professionals don’t recommend shortening your eating window to less than eight hours, as this can actually promote the formation of gallstones in women.

How Can Intermittent Fasting Help With Menopause Weight Gain?

IF tends to reduce the overall number of calories you eat, which is necessary for weight loss. Having a calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss.

A 2017 study showed that when people ate only during a four-hour window, their caloric intake was reduced by around 650 calories.

Another study found that when healthy men and women fasted for 36 hours, their overall caloric intake was decreased by 1,900 calories, despite eating more in the period following their fast.

Research also shows that for postmenopausal women specifically, IF can be useful for weight loss and weight control.

What Are the Other Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?

In addition to supporting weight loss, intermittent fasting also has the potential to reduce your risk for various conditions like heart disease and diabetes. It may also help prevent muscle loss and improve mental health.

Studies have shown that IF may lower blood pressure, triglycerides, and improve insulin sensitivity in some people. It may also reduce inflammation, which can lead to weight gain and chronic conditions over time.

These are all especially useful benefits during menopause, as this season of life is characterized by abdominal weight gain, an increased risk for heart disease, a natural loss of muscle mass, and a higher risk for depression and other mood disorders.

Interestingly, animal studies suggest that intermittent fasting may even increase life expectancy. However, this hasn’t been studied in humans.

The Downsides of IF

Some research shows that IF works differently in male and female bodies. For example, a 2005 study found that IF resulted in worsened blood sugar control for women, but not for men.

Additionally, women seem to be much more sensitive to caloric restriction than men. Some animal studies suggest that fasting can disrupt certain reproductive hormones.

For the best results and lowest risks, shorter and less frequent periods of fasting may be a better approach to IF for women.

If you’re uncertain if IF is right for you, speak to a registered dietitian who is knowledgeable in this area. You can search for a local dietitian using this link, filtering for professionals specializing in women’s health and weight loss.

5 Tips for Intermittent Fasting

Here are five tips to consider if you’re interested in trying intermittent fasting during menopause.

  1. Start slowly, with shorter fasting periods, and gradually work your way up to the length of fasting you’re comfortable with.
  2. Don’t over-restrict your caloric intake, as this can also be detrimental to your health. If you’re using IF to lose weight, don’t cut more than 500 calories per day.
  3. If you’re trying IF for the health benefits but not for significant weight loss, you need to eat more during your eating window to avoid a calorie deficit. Especially if you’re exercising regularly, you need to eat sufficient calories to fuel your workouts and recovery.
  4. Take this opportunity to find a new hobby or another way to enjoy your time. Fasting when you’re not used to longer periods without eating can be difficult, especially if you’re prone to snack when bored. Stay busy, find new activities, and be mindful of how you feel.
  5. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. And yes, you can still drink unsweetened coffee and tea during a fast. Coffee may help keep hunger at bay.

Finally, seek professional guidance to determine the best nutrition plan for your goals. IF is not a one-size-fits-all dietary approach and may not be appropriate for every woman.

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