
Your Midlife Thrive Kit

I’ve been in menopause for a few years now and even started a company to empower women to thrive on their own personal menopause and healthy aging journey. One observation I’ve made is that much of the mainstream media, movies, television, and social media have a tendency to portray our third life stage as something to survive. Like we just have to gut it out for a few years, and then one day – maybe in our late 50s or 60s – we’ll wake up, and everything will magically be better.

I’ve always been someone who prefers to go through life with positivity and a glass-half-full attitude. So when menopause symptoms and aging-related issues started to impact my life, the question I asked myself was not “how can I survive this life stage?” but rather “how can I thrive during this life stage?”

It’s a mental mind trick, to be sure, but a powerful one that works and actually has science behind it. So, I implore you to ignore people and media who portray menopause and midlife as a dreaded, negative life stage. Instead, go forth with courage and confidence, and create your own personal thrive kit. Your life will be all the richer and more rewarding for it.

Here are a few things in my midlife thrive kit:

Daily exercise

Seldom does a day go by when I don’t exercise. Skip a day, and I become moody and irritable. It’s my superhighway to feeling happy, energetic, and less anxious and stressed.

Whole foods

Like exercise, I feel so much better when I primarily eat vegetables and protein with a few complex carbs thrown in. My mood is stable, my brain is clear, and my weight is steady.


Eight hours is non-negotiable. During postmenopause, when my sleep quality started to decline, I learned just how vital sleep hygiene is. All the small changes I’ve made over the last few years, like turning off digital devices a few hours before bed, help me fall asleep faster and stay asleep.

Creative outlets

For years, I worked, worked, and worked even more and didn’t make much time for creative outlets. Gradually, I’ve given myself permission to do more of the things I love, like cooking and gardening. I’m no Martha Stewart by a long stretch and never will be. Still, the simple beauty and artistic expression that springs forth from my efforts make me happier and more productive.


I find exploring and learning about other cultures incredibly enriching and fun. I get giddy just thinking about where to go next.


Whether it’s hiking, digging in the dirt, or simply noticing the subtle changes of the seasons from my window, I find peace of mind in the beauty of nature.


I love to lose myself inside a good book and be wholly transported in place and time. Even on busy days, I still sneak in a few minutes of reading before bed. It relaxes me and helps me to fall asleep.

Supportive relationships

My partner, family, and friends have been crucial to navigating the journey. Saying yes to love and no to toxic relationships with conviction makes me feel lighter and more buoyant.

Meaningful work

Making a difference in people’s lives through my work is a daily affirmation of self-worth.

Letting go

The ability to let go of stuff quickly and with ease is such an incredible superpower. I love that I can press my let go “button” and get rid of the baggage that previously would have dragged me down.


It seemed to take an age, but finally, I feel entirely comfortable with who I am and could care less what people think.

Put together your very own thrive kit. Break out your journal and make a list of what you need to feel happy and whole. Importantly, make a note of what’s not serving you to be your best self every day. Revisit your thrive kit regularly and make sure the contents are still serving you to thrive in midlife!

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