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Blog Archive
10 Menopause Insomnia Remedies
While menopause-related insomnia is extremely common, there are a range of effective remedies to help you overcome sleep disturbances and experience restful nights once again.
Understanding Night Sweats and Chills during Menopause
Women often struggle with getting enough quality sleep around menopause, and one of the biggest culprits is night sweats and chills.
5 Foods to Reduce Menopause Hot Flashes
While hot flashes are a normal part of the menopausal transition, choosing these foods can help reduce their frequency and severity.
Menopause & Long COVID
Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak, a body of research has emerged about the interaction between Long COVID and menopause symptoms.
Managing Menopause at Work
When menopause hits, it can have a devastating impact on a woman’s career and income as well as her employer. Here’s what to do about it.
9 Natural Menopause Strategies That Can Work for You
Several effective science-backed natural strategies can help manage menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, sleep, anxiety, and stress.
Are Menopause Supplements Effective?
Many new supplements are being offered for relief of menopause symptoms but are they effective and safe?